About us

About Willful 
 Why did I name my brand Willful? Well..
 Intentional; Deliberate
My name is Jessi!
  I grew up in a family of creators and artists so my brain is always wanting to making or do something new!
So, here I am young mother of Four! Opening my first store!! I offer a variety of products and brands. One of which being my children's brand Willful Kids !! That's right ! I am launching two business at once. I plan on always adding new product and brands so stay tuned for new ways to express you!
I can not thank my best friend/husband Philippe enough for helping me believe in me. 
Now, my goal is to be Willfully me 
I wish you all to be willfully you!
Thank you so much for shopping with me. If it is for you, your little one or friends, or family, style your products to express YOU! Then share with us and be featured on our social media!
Down there bottom right.